1.  Woods around the farm, bring the village the song of beautiful.

2.  there just 2 farms and more less woodes, maybe we can lisen the cring of the farm.

3.  the village had a great development in rencent ytears, and we believe the furtue of this village will be more beautiful!

4.  After a few days together, Rachel turned out to be a very gentle and quiet girl who was the kind of person I like.

5.  Besides, they never care too much about their appearance so they are slovenly for most of the time.

6.  I want to share a story of a senior about stereotyping on campus which was also my own experience during the last semester.

7.  I met Li Juan, a senior of our department, at a conversation for freshmen and senior students.

8.  It was Li Juan, a brilliant senior student who had been admitted by University of Cambridge, that introduced her experience of applying for the famous university and how to study effectively.

9.  At the party, she wore white long silk dress with light blue flowers on the lap of it, with her brown curly long hair touching her shoulders, which perfectly showed her elegance and beauty.

10.  So it was not so hard for me to fix the image of Li Juan and believe that she must be a traditional Chinese girl who was beautiful, quiet and clever.

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