41.  Deputy Chairman Smurfit said the company was looking at a number of small acquisitions of corrugated box plants to increase its capacity to convert paper into corrugated boxes.

42.  Delighted to comply, Tesh provided autographed copies of the CD for each juror and alternate, signed personally -- by number, of course -- to each juror.

43.  Delijaj has no evidence but is convinced the number is higher.

44.  Delli Gatti, 33, knew numbers.

45.  Despite 485 initial public offerings in 1999, the number of companies with issues on the Nasdaq has fallen to 4,575 as of February from 5,161 in October 1998.

46.  Despite a ban on publicity, the number of Christians in China has multiplied.

47.  Despite a growing number of rapturous reviews, he awaits the wider public's response with the same sense of anxiety that informs his films.

48.  Despite a large number of new shows this fall, optimism does not pervade the theater district.

49.  Despite a massive public awareness campaign aimed at improving the number of minorities returning their Census forms, they will still be undercounted, Demeo predicted.

50.  Despite a number of recent marketing moves, he added, the stock has generated little interest.

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