1.  Could I have your number?

2.  A Benevolent Fund has been established and been able to help an increasing number of members facing hardship.

3.  A better approach is to adopt a serial approach and solve them over a number of stages.

4.  A break-down in the number of male and female students shows that the number of female graduates is still inadequate.

5.  A certain number of days are set aside throughout the session for non-governmental business.

6.  A clerk told him the number of his reserved room, and handed a bellboy the key.

7.  A college football association is charged with conspiring to limit the number of college games that football fans can see on television.

8.  A complete list is not possible because of the large number of possible combinations.

9.  A computer looks at the phone number and Decides whether any of the participating fax machines cover the destination.

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