1.  Dennis T. Avery wants organic food to go away.

2.  Denny Fercho, a U.S. Olympian from Ventura County, wants to render that slogan obsolete.

3.  Denver airport officials want other carriers to provide the service.

4.  Dekas wants the Coach's Edge to add player's jersey numbers to the dots, instead of the numbers 1 through 5.

5.  Delaney, a University of Washington oceanographer, wants to build a huge undersea observatory _ hundreds of miles in size _ deep down off the Pacific Northwest coast.

6.  Delaware wants to hold its primary four days after New Hampshire.

7.  DeLay and his peers want to toss out judges who dissent from the prevailing Republican mood of censorship.

8.  Department number crunchers want to analyze and compare the results.

9.  Designers and manufacturers wanted to say two words to us - just two words - "colorful plastics."

10.  Desktop.com, which will formally launch its service on September 20, wants to become, quite literally, the desktop of the Internet.

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