41.  Such costs increase as the population size increases.

42.  Both the frequency of detection and the numbers of E coli in the mucosa-associated flora increased during treatment and with clinical improvement.

43.  GABA concentrations increased in both hippocampi during and after the seizure.

44.  Health expenditure increased, but not by enough to lift us to a comparable position with our main industrial competitors.

45.  The Richardson number and thus the relative importance of the stratification increase with height.

46.  Opposition to this state of affairs increased with the growth of private pressures for development following the abolition of building licences.

47.  The item seven, Chair, increase in child population.

48.  The training tempo increases over the next few weeks... as cox and crew alike attempt to learn all they can about the famous course.

49.  The rate of accumulation increased, rather than the growth of output slackening.

50.  Any increase in bone density after menopause is a big plus, since most women lose bone throughout the second half of life.

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