81.  Most other industries simply increased their existing pro-Republican tilt.

82.  Ms. Cohen also increased her estimates of the losses to be recorded by the WB Network, citing its additional spending on distribution in smaller markets.

83.  Most of these activities also increase muscle strength, which can enhance the ability to lose excess weight by raising the metabolic rate every minute of the day.

84.  Myelodysplasia also increases susceptibility to infection due to the lack of white blood cells.

85.  Obesity greatly increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and several common cancers.

86.  Other Fidelity funds also increased their stake in energy stocks.

87.  Pelvic exercises also increase muscle fiber making them more elastic and conditioned.

88.  Other analysts also increased their earnings estimates and price targets for Telebras, the market leader in Brazil.

89.  Pharmaceutical companies dramatically increased their effort to find an AIDS remedy after a move to place price controls on the early drugs was derailed.

90.  Other large Fidelity funds also increased their cash levels in October.

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