61.  The rest of their liabilities are raised through deposits from the general public, share capital and deferred taxation.

62.  The alarm was raised by a neighbour who spotted the fire on Saturday evening, then heard an explosion.

63.  The money was raised by customers and staff throughout the country with collections, raffles and many other activities.

64.  Another launch pod is raised for action.

65.  Amelio, who has A Ph.D. in physics from Georgia Tech, was raised in New York City.

66.  An only child, Theron was raised on a farm in Bononi, South Africa.

67.  An only child, Jackson was raised by his mother, Elizabeth Jackson, a clothing buyer, and her parents.

68.  Ashe was raised in the Joe Louis tradition.

69.  Author Mylene Dressler, a literature professor at St. Thomas University in Houston, was raised in the Netherlands.

70.  Banners representing jersey numbers of retired players were raised to the rafters as the players were introduced.

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