31.  Security was increased during the elections to ensure public order and to prevent any interference with polling stations.

32.  This was increased by the growing popularity of new Liberal-National parliamentary coalition leader John Hewson, who replaced Andrew Peacock after the election.

33.  Margins were increased through higher productivity, cost reduction and planned product range amendments.

34.  Performance is increased by prefetching the next instruction during the execution of the current instruction.

35.  The incidence of claims has increased in recent years.

36.  The volume of expertise available to bureaucracies has increased along with this expansion of state activities.

37.  The annual subscription would increase from overseas to the full membership rate.

38.  Total serum IgG, IgA, and IgM concentrations were increased in these patients as compared with controls from the same area.

39.  Bile secretion was increased in a dose-dependent fashion by intracerebroventricular neuropeptide Y.

40.  Expression of Lewis antigens was increased in patients with cholestatic liver disease.

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