81.  Discrimination in favor of immigrants would only increase the resentment of the low earners or unemployed who make up much of the Le Pen vote.

82.  Doctors testing patients for prostate cancer could significantly increase the number of cases they spot by taking more tissue samples, a recent study found.

83.  Department stores and consumer products companies may also increase their advertising spending, which Televisa needs to post higher profits.

84.  Drug companies, whose concerns include patents and prescription drug plans, have also dramatically increased their political donations.

85.  Diabetes can also increase your risk for heart disease and circulatory problems.

86.  Election pressure has also increased the influence of the GOP moderates normally given leftovers and hand-me-downs.

87.  Economists at Ford and GM have also increased their estimates.

88.  Europe must also increase its capacity to ferry troops where needed, reducing its reliance on U.S. transport planes.

89.  Even extra-long steeping may not increase the concentration.

90.  Evensky is slightly increasing his international exposure.

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