21.  An unspecified amount of revenue will be raised by simultaneously raising postal rates and transferring less money to the postal service.

22.  An even more puzzling aspect of the discovery has been raised by specialists in ancient Chinese writing.

23.  April has been raised by both parents.

24.  Barriers have been raised to nuclear and chemical proliferation.

25.  Both have been raised as alternatives to impeachment.

26.  A great hue and cry has been raised about protecting US borders against poor immigrants who might deprive an American of a job or use up precious government handouts.

27.  A look at how much money has been raised by candidates for House races in central Illinois.

28.  All had been raised as girls.

29.  Callie has been raised in Ruckersville, Va., by Paula Johnson.

30.  Campaign contributions cannot be raised on federal property.

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