1.  Any suggestions as to how this is normally done?

2.  Defensive tackle Leon Lett spoke briefly to the news media while his teammates meowed behind him, stunned that the normally reclusive Big Cat was going public.

3.  Denktash, normally the more voluble of the two, pronounced the start of the talks "very good."

4.  Dense jungle terrain would normally work to the advantage of a defending force.

5.  Deputy Prisco Viana, who's in charge of the bill and who's normally a staunch Cardoso supporter, opposes much of the government's proposal.

6.  Curators who are unhappy with the law and its implications, however, normally speak only if assured of anonymity.

7.  Derek Jeter said, "He looked great, he talked normally, everything you would expect from Straw."

8.  Demand for gold normally peaks in December and January when consumers buy jewelry as holiday gifts.

9.  Describing himself as normally passive, he said he got into several fights after taking a combination of roofies and alcohol.

10.  Despite a clearly favorable track record on inflation and strong fourth-quarter earnings, normally bullish signs, many traders are on the sidelines.

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