1.  A Benevolent Fund has been established and been able to help an increasing number of members facing hardship.

2.  A bipartisan drive to change the rules for financing federal campaigns is running into stiff resistance from veteran members of Congress.

3.  A carpenter from Sam Son who had prepared the wooden crosspieces for the test raft was one member of the test-raft crew.

4.  A central core of keen and well-informed supporters whose enthusiasm, knowledge and confidence will draw new members like a magnet.

5.  A civilized society should treat its elderly members well.

6.  A class in itself is simply a social group whose members share the same relationship to the means of production.

7.  A cordon of armour was parked around newspapers and broadcasting stations, and key members of the previous administration were arrested.

8.  A crucial point about epidemics is that not all members of a given population behave in a uniform way.

9.  A Directive binds member states to certain specific objectives, but leaves them to implement the necessary measures through national laws.

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