1.  There are a lot of Market .

2.  There is a big, noisy Market in our town.

3.  In the Market a great many people buy their food and other things they need.

4.  Also, China was considied to be the largest Market in the world.

5.  After supper my family went to the flower Market.

6.  There were some Market on each side of the road.

7.  People always like to go to the flower Market after New Year supper in Guang zhou.(To be continued).

8.  In the flower Market people always like to by some chrysanthemum blossoms, peach blossoms and some basins of gold orange.

9.  There is few Market here.

10.  A pole was placed in the Market, and the governor order the Altorfer mush bow before the hat when everyone pass it.

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