71.  They make use of a combination of two sensory inputs.

72.  This could apply where the plaintiff has made an unreasonable use of the product.

73.  This makes efficient use of electricity and provides more light.

74.  This principle could be applied to the current script recognition system to make best use of all available information.

75.  This site is a real treasure chest enabling us to find wonderful gems and make good use of them.

76.  This type of evaluation makes use of interviews and questionnaires.

77.  Under Malcolm Fraser the party began to make effective use of its support in Fleet Street.

78.  Vice-versa, an educated general public is likely to make better use of health services than an illiterate public.

79.  We also make use of the photo-copying facilities and use their premises for our winter evening meetings.

80.  We hope students make use of the new facilities.

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