1.  Defined by his friendly, empathetic and accommodating nature, this customer makes decisions based on a gut level and responds to suggestions, assurances and guarantees.

2.  Deputy White House Press Secretary Ginny Terzano said no decision had been made on whether Clinton also would attend the meeting planned for late February or early March.

3.  Depending on which belief you hold, you will make decisions that follow your code of ethics.

4.  Depends on who makes the decision.

5.  Despite all the vetting, public and private, Dole will almost certainly make the decision by himself, guided chiefly by his own instincts.

6.  Curiously, neither one spoke with West anytime recently, as he made the decision to leave the Lakers to run the Memphis Grizzlies.

7.  Currently, the Administration is free to make such decisions without the involvement of Congress.

8.  Despite not yet signing or even having talked about a contract, Donnie said he made his decision after long talks with Nelson, Ainge and Colangelo.

9.  Dennis Lund, real-estate land manager for the Kaibab National Forest, said agency policy prohibits the distribution of appraisals until a final decision is made.

10.  Despite repeated requests, TKT officials declined to be interviewed until after Judge Young makes his decision.

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