1.  All this should be making the U.S. market more attractive, because foreign investors have few other options.

2.  DENISON-COLUMN (Undated) _ After two decades of manufacturers promoting stripped-down efficiency, redundancy is making a comeback.

3.  Dennis and I have been making those shots all year.

4.  Derivatives are making their way into the bank loan market, further blurring the distinction between loans and traded securities such as corporate bonds.

5.  Dehoyos apparently was making a final attempt to persuade his wife to get back together after her July 26 petition for divorce.

6.  Deilmann is making this offer on seven voyages to boost the number of US and Canadian cruisers on board.

7.  Desert Darby, a 6-1 wagering choice, was making his first start in 11 months.

8.  CULTURE (Moved in "e" category) TV-STARS-MOVIES (Hollywood) _ In droves, television stars are making the leap into movies.

9.  Designers are making creative use of nautical themes in sundresses, twinsets and other garb.

10.  Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage is making plans to visit.

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