1.  This had made me feel uncomfortable.

2.  In the past decades, we have made a lot of progress in achieving true gender equality.

3.  The Supreme Count has made abortion a legal option for women in the U. S in 1970s making a great difference to the movement.

4.  In the past about 10 years I haven't made a great progress in my English.

5.  I have made some procedures to achieve my goal, just as follows.

6.  So I have made a plan for this semester.

7.  As a postgraduate, I has made a plan to try my best to learn English well.

8.  This has made me be more looking forward to the rest 3 years of the university .

9.  I've made up my mind that I won't make the same mistake over again in the new semester.

10.  In order to fulfill the goal, I have made up my mind to spare no effort to study English.

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