1.  Dennis Rodman, leading the NBA in rebounds, did not make the all-star team.

2.  Denver will make no payment in the settlement, which still must be approved by a federal court judge.

3.  Cuban officials make no secret about this, because they no longer can.

4.  Dehaene had made no bones about his desire for an activist presidency that would push for European-wide programs to stimulate job creation and economic growth.

5.  Desperation for foreign money has not made the regime any less dangerous.

6.  Despite a mass-marketing push by Showtime, this show makes no overtures to mass appeal.

7.  Currently, customers of a bank in one state cannot make deposits at an affiliated bank in another state.

8.  Despite her stage successes and her two Emmy wins for television, Arthur has never made a dent in motion pictures.

9.  Despite his 276-151 career record, Bannon apparently did not make much of a first impression on the Rutgers athletic director, Fred Gruninger.

10.  Despite his confidence, however, Stern could not make any guarantees after the league's annual meeting with owners Wednesday at the Plaza Hotel here.

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