71.  First of all, the govenments of these country use the right way to develop the level of people's lives.

72.  Firtly, New medical approaches have in a upper level.

73.  Of course, I must improve my Engling level .

74.  Sixth: In order to improve my English level , I must do all the points which I write above.

75.  I want exactly to improve my English level .

76.  She didn't say anything just repeating "Study hard and take care of yourself my sister suggest me read some Novel to improve my literate level.

77.  I was a good student for commen level: the briliant academic record, be strike with myself on every side .

78.  I want to give some advices about how to improve your English especially to improve your vacabulary and listening level .

79.  For example, teachers should treat with students of different levels equally.

80.  On the other hand, I must have creation, then I May research unknow thing and little by little improve my medical level.

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