1.  But men may choose lawyer or policemen because these jobs need more logical thinking.

2.  And for those university students, clergyman and lawyer were among the ideal professionals.

3.  In the film Mona Lisa Smile, Jone finally devoted herself to her lover and their new home instead of stepping on a new path----become a female lawyer.

4.  Rather than defining their primary role in life as that of "Mom, " they see themselves as a lawyer, manager, teacher, or doctor who has a rounded private life as wife and mother.

5.  You can see women's figures in each industry-she maybe an erudite professor, a silver-tongued lawyer or a creative designer.

6.  They are not just house wife any more; they can be lawyers, fighting for justice and right; they can become business women, negotiating leisurely for benefits; they can be journalist, bringing darkness and ugliness to light.

7.  It is widely acknowledged that doctors, scholars and lawyer etc, are honourable occupations.

8.  A lawyer, who is serious at work can be relaxed and easy-going when he or she comes back to stay with families.

9.  If you are a student, you should learn as much knowledge as possible; if you are a doctor you should do everything you can to save your patient; if you are a lawyer you should promote justice; if you are a salesman you should provide consumers with the highest quality of service.

10.  While in unit 2, most college students compete fiercely for get well-paid jobs like lawyers.

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