71.  Delgado insists he'd like to stay put in Toronto, for whom he has hit 137 home runs the last four seasons.

72.  Delgado looked at the first two fastballs, swung through the last one.

73.  DeLillo maps the last half-century of America's forward march, and brings his story home again.

74.  DeLillo maps the last half-century of America's forward march, and manages to bring his story home again.

75.  Delirious with anticipation, I reached the last paragraph:

76.  DeLisha Milton missed two crucial free throws with 23 seconds to play, but the Liberty (10-8) was unable to execute a last shot.

77.  Deliveries by Canada's two national railways were disrupted by severe weather last winter.

78.  Dell also announced a 2-for-1 stock split, its fourth in the last five years.

79.  Dell has also successfully challenged Apple in one of its traditional strongholds in the last year, seizing the lead in the market for educational computers.

80.  Dell moved quickly last year to offer desktop machines using Intel Corp.'s new Pentium microprocessor.

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