1.  As a child of divorce herself, Ms. Polacco, 54, said that she knows the importance of seeing nontraditional families in children's literature.

2.  As business partners, Bob Logan and Eric Ridley know the importance of sticking together, both in commerce and in spirit.

3.  As a military leader, the prophet Joshua knew the importance of engaging the enemy, the preacher continues.

4.  Dole knows DuPage's importance; he campaigned here on Sunday.

5.  Dick Jauron knows the importance of the Chicago Bears to their fans, to their city and to the NFL.

6.  Entering the game tied with the Shock and percentage points behind Cleveland, the Liberty knew the importance of this game.

7.  Even so, there's a big difference between knowing the importance of cross-selling and doing a good job of it.

8.  Even at that, Jarvis knows the importance of 20 victories.

9.  Either way, he convinces us that Cahill knew the importance of showing the public a good time.

10.  Executives at AOL say they know the importance of creating systems that work with many record companies, not just Warner Music.

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