51.  Any student of Pavlovian conditioning knows boxing's pack of fans will pant and pant and pant but always come up with $39.95 for Bowe-Holyfield.

52.  Any thinking person would have known that that was not an honest count."

53.  Derrick Cullors knew that to be the case all along.

54.  DeSalvo, a Virginia Woolf scholar and literary critic, knows the discomfort of opening one's life to public scrutiny.

55.  Describing the dream, Emma says, "I don't know if I'm running to something or from something."

56.  Describing the matter as "very sensitive" and known to only a few people in the Clinton administration, the officials spoke only on the condition of anonymity.

57.  DeShaun Foster knows.

58.  Culp didn't know why she was included, but guessed it was because Fickett's program seems to be working well.

59.  Culpepper knows that loyalty is one of the cornerstones for a successful life.

60.  Denver's supposed to have the easier schedule, and Sacramento has the better record ... oh, I don't know.

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