1.  A balanced read-aloud diet gives our children an appreciation for the sounds and shapes and purposes of many different kinds of texts.

2.  A closed-in, wormy kind of discomfort, if you forgive my saying so.

3.  A comparison of different kinds of rocket engines with each other requires some measure of their performance.

4.  A different kind of criticism is sometimes levelled at courses in creative fields such as music, drama, art and even architecture.

5.  A female chauvinist approach might be to describe men as a kind of afterthought in the scheme of existence.

6.  A fierce solidarity was forged of a kind that has become archaic in the west.

7.  A good example of this kind is at Borraichill Mhor, in Kildalton, where a drystone wall encloses a plateau.

8.  A handful of poxy tents sold greasy lentil pilaf to the worst kind of industry lackey.

9.  A high-spending boom followed by bust and recession have severely strained relationships of all kinds.

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