81.  Denmark's economy is also likely to hit by the slower growth in Germany and elsewhere in Europe.

82.  Denmon flew to Texas for a few days to be with his grandfather, who is seriously ill.

83.  Dennehy is one of many actors of national stature who consider Chicago, and especially the Goodman and Steppenwolf companies, to be ideal places to work.

84.  Dennehy is too fine an actor to impersonate the coach, but his effort to portray Knight is hampered by the audience's familiarity with this character.

85.  Dennehy's work is one significant part of an amazing evening.

86.  Dennis (like Ms. DeNora, a sociologist) is not a musicologist but a young historian at Loyola University in Chicago.

87.  Dennis Adamo, executive producer of Pseudo, said the service is a response to user suggestions.

88.  Dennis Bernstein, associate editor at Pacific News Service, is the producer of "Flashpoints" on KPFA radio in the San Francisco Bay Area.

89.  Dennis Borba, who lays claim to the Velcro concept, is not sentimental about fighting bulls; he considers them lucky.

90.  Dennis Byrd is grateful to be lumbering around after being carried off a football field.

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