31.  As a consequence, the plaintiffs say, the hospitals, which share detailed salary information with each other, can force residents to accept below-market wages.

32.  Delta Airlines (www.delta-air.com) recently announced a new computer boarding system that provides more information, from lists of passengers on standby to the status of connecting flights.

33.  Currency traders at banks and other financial institutions who had bet on that possibility, based on publicly available information, did nothing illegal.

34.  Delta spokeswoman Katie Connell said Wednesday: "We have found no information to substantiate Mr. Rosenfeld's claim.

35.  Current information has come from a couple of dozen ledgers.

36.  Current law prevents U.S. firms from exporting software that scrambles information beyond a low level of complexity.

37.  Current laws against disclosure of secret information are not tough enough to deal with these cases, intelligence officials say.

38.  Demand for information technology workers remains highest in the Midwest, followed by the West.

39.  Demand for information will ensure the survival of both, but their appearance will definitely change, he said.

40.  Demand for software programs has fallen as users have turned to entertainment and information available for free on the Internet.

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