1.  A ban on tobacco industry name-brand sponsorship of sporting events would take effect a year later.

2.  A big noise in the record industry, whatever that Cornelius stuffed things into his suitcase.

3.  A board was nominated to run each industry as a viable commercial enterprise.

4.  A cable industry trade group said the technological exemption has not been clearly defined by legal tests.

5.  A case involving the intensely competitive newspaper industry demonstrates what May happen.

6.  A cash limit is also applied to nationalized industries to restrict their ability to borrow from sources other than the government.

7.  A countryside under intensive farming which depends on leisure and service industries is a cosmetic, lifeless countryside.

8.  A Deceptively fragile and refined appearance belied her dedication and untiring industry in the cause of justice for women.

9.  A decline in beer sales had left the industry with spare capacity .

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