31.  Increased spending on machinery represents higher incomes for those involved in manufacturing the machines.

32.  This leads people to increase their spending directly on goods and services so that the general price level is pulled upwards.

33.  Similarly, branches may be short-staffed thereby increasing loading and unloading times.

34.  As the numbers of suppliers and their customers increase the demand and supply balance facing Grid Control will become more and more complex.

35.  Along with this misperception, say sociologists, comes a growing sense of victimization, as well as increased questioning of government programs aimed at helping real minorities.

36.  Also little changed were the prices of municipal securities amid growing concern by dealers and traders that selling by bond funds may increase following a resumption of investor redemptions.

37.  Also, the recent decline in Argentine bonds has increased borrowing costs, which could put pressure on the government to increase spending.

38.  Although several rules have been changed to increase scoring, neither goalie last night seemed interested in extending the reforms to a post-buzzer series of one-on-one confrontations.

39.  American companies and the American government unleashed sophisticated marketing campaigns that increased smoking in many countries where people do not fully understand its danger.

40.  Among other things, the commission said the Legislature should halt budget cuts for a program that subsidizes electricity in rural areas and should increase spending for rural schools.

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