1.  Any reasonable plan to fix Social Security will almost certainly have to include some way to invest in stocks.

2.  As a teenager in 1967, Tsang Tak Sing handed out leaflets denouncing British imperialism, including the way the British taught history in Hong Kong schools.

3.  At a news conference, Ross and other researchers described several new insights into Huntington's disease, including possible ways to look for drug treatments.

4.  ATLANTA - This column often focuses on recipes that include ways to add big, bright tropical flavors to your home cooking repertoire without a lot of effort.

5.  Discussions will include ways for Nashville and the Oilers to buy out the remainder of the team's contract at the Astrodome in Houston.

6.  Even so, bicycle manufacturers are reinventing just about everything else about the bike, including new ways to make those wheels roll.

7.  Five bills are pending in the Massachusetts Legislature that would expand benefits under the act, including finding ways to pay for now-uncompensated leaves.

8.  Further clouding the chances of a patient protection bill, Republicans refused to let Democrats include a way to pay the costs of a bill.

9.  Her book includes 100 ways to make the holiday simpler.

10.  It also includes a way of thinking, based on the idea of selfless service to art.

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