1.  Of course, college life include a sensitive yet sweet experience, that is falling in love with a right girl/boy.

2.  Further, the lists may not include all of the meanings of the word.

3.  Apart from learning, activities are also included in college life .

4.  Worse still, these unfamiliar words they lastly find and remember may possibly not be included in the range of testing.

5.  Learning English includes writing and using besides reading and listening.

6.  Effectively improving your vocabulary includes memorizing this vocabulary for a quite long time and being able to use them correctly .

7.  So the feature of reciting the words has already been included in the other method.

8.  There are so much different between two languages include grammar and the way that words where be made .

9.  Every Inch of David\

10.  The plan may include a system for undocumented workers to earn permanent residency status-green cards-which would put them on the road to citizenship.

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