1.  Apart from learning, activities are also included in college life .

2.  Worse still, these unfamiliar words they lastly find and remember may possibly not be included in the range of testing.

3.  So the feature of reciting the words has already been included in the other method.

4.  The media are always included in the beauty contests.

5.  So, similar disposition and ideal is included in my friends principle.

6.  Four terms are included in this survey, homework, reading, Internet, activities and physical exercises, roughly covering the things students do in their daily life.

7.  The brilliant charm of the fiction cannot be included in the film within nearly four hours.

8.  Unfortunately, China and India are included in the rest of the world, so it's also unfair for some environment-friendly countries.

9.  During recent years, a large number of violence-related content has been included in most media, networks and computer games.

10.  Blaming them isn't included in your rights.

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