1.  In recent times the Market reflected strong regional preferences.

2.  In times of political unrest, the danger that extreme measures will be taken increases.

3.  Surely in time and eternity only death and hell were really serious.

4.  In time many of these distinctions will perhaps be found reflected in the grammatical categories of some language or another.

5.  Shareholders must be given sufficient information and advice to enable them to reach a properly informed decision and in sufficient time to do so.

6.  In time for the Baileys.

7.  At last, just in time.

8.  Beef eaters should prepare to fire up their barbecues asbgovernment reports indicate ample beef supplies will push prices down just in time for the warm-weather grilling season.

9.  -- In Pakistan, some U.S. embassy employees and their families were given the option of leaving, a customary precaution in times of tension.

10.  All in good time, for Jackson is the type to let his stories unfold at a leisurely pace, however frenzied the action.

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