1.  De Bruijn has said that her improvements had come by "training like an animal," not through performance-enhancing drugs.

2.  For all the work on the mountain, some of the most talked- about and appreciated improvements came between the skier dropoff area and the base lodge.

3.  For some patients, though, the physical improvement has come at a high cost.

4.  Ford's earnings improvement comes despite troubles in Brazil.

5.  Further improvements must come from within, and two names top the list.

6.  Gary Tooker, vice chairman and chief executive, said that Motorola expects the semiconductor industry to rebound next year but that the improvement would come gradually at first.

7.  Guynes was confident that an improvement would come.

8.  He inherits a district stripped of its state accreditation last year, with state officials poised for a takeover should improvements not come soon.

9.  He said the improvement will come from the reduced costs that will flow from the synergies the takeover is expected to generate.

10.  He said the improvement will come from reduced costs the takeover is expected to generate.

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