1.  Any pesticide is by definition a poison and can be dangerous if the directions on the label are not followed to the letter.

2.  Any president needs support and cooperation from the nation if he is to conduct foreign policy successfully.

3.  Any professional team in this tournament can beat any other team if the favored team plays terrible.

4.  Defensive production, if there is such a thing, would go up 40, 50, 90 percent.

5.  Defensive tackle Keith Hamilton frantically patted down his clothing to see if he had mistakenly brought in a live phone.

6.  Dennis Rodman is Deion Sanders without the class, if you can envision that.

7.  Dennis said he's not sure if he'll finish his high school career in Mesa.

8.  Dense, crowded plants bloom best, and container plants flower best if somewhat root-bound.

9.  Denser settlements may be the right thing to do, but if they're too expensive for most working-class families, this compromises the solution.

10.  Dentists say that if a tooth cannot be saved, an implant is the next-best thing.

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