21.  Any rate increase for Electricidad de Caracas would boost its profits, and help the market.

22.  Any rate increase will help profitability at Electricidad de Caracas, the only publicly traded utility.

23.  Any relaxation of the sanctions regime will almost certainly help him a bit, at least in his presumed ambitions to wage biological war.

24.  Deficit reduction is key, analysts said, because it could help control the government's costs at a time interest rates are running at 20 percent or more.

25.  Defining himself as a principled defender of the sick, the elderly and children helped him achieve some of his highest approval ratings.

26.  DeFranceaux's determination and particularly his work in raising investment money for the partnership helped get the enterprise started despite some initial pessimism about its prospects.

27.  CUBA: The government expressed its "pain" and "solidarity" with its longtime adversary and offered air and medical facilities to help.

28.  CUBA-DEMOCRACY (Havana) _ Cubans struggling to make ends meet still say more democracy would help the economy, but they say they still revere Castro.

29.  Cuban: "Dennis, can you help our team?"

30.  Cuban-Americans will help Elian best by encouraging peaceful change, even if they have to endure their bearded nemesis for a few years longer.

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