31.  Current recipients of Medicaid, the government health program for poor people, would be allowed to join the new Medicare program or use subsidies to purchase private insurance.

32.  Demand for chimpanzees in research has been cyclic in the past, said Wolfle of the health institutes' chimp committee.

33.  Current screening guidelines, supported by federal health agencies, the American Heart Association and other groups, call for screening all adults age 20 and over.

34.  Currently a vice chairman, Toyoda stepped down from the presidency because of health problems.

35.  Currently a vice chairman, Toyoda stepped down from the presidency due to health problems.

36.  Currently only 18 states use their own funds to pay for abortions for low-income women for health reasons.

37.  Despite federal health assurances, consumers polled in Vermont, Wisconsin and other states said they did not want milk from injected cows.

38.  Currently, 14% of children in Virginia rely on Medicaid for their basic health needs.

39.  Currently, a company can use excess money in pension funds only to pay for health benefits of retirees.

40.  Currently, many companies put more restrictions on mental health therapy.

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