81.  A comprehensive white linen napkin was tucked under his chin.

82.  A condition of rescheduling the debt was that Walker split his dual role at the top.

83.  A considerable portion of his time is devoted to promoting the study of the foreign language, literature, or culture.

84.  A consideration of the cultural context of such concept formations is largely absent from his work.

85.  A contributory factor, perhaps, was his concealment of a warm and generous nature behind a self-assertive manner.

86.  A conventional outlook dominates his approach, but he still thrives on variety.

87.  A convulsive fit so that his thin frame shook.

88.  A cook from the kitchens took one in the eye and stumbled backwards with his hands pressed to his temples.

89.  A correspondent from the New York Times was on his feet.

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