71.  As far as taxes go, good things have been happening for retirees.

72.  As the days grow shorter, much the same thing is happening in all the major cities of the Northern Hemisphere, from Vienna to Chicago.

73.  As the school year winds down, things like this are happening all over the country.

74.  As western diplomats scurry in and out and quarrel among themselves what to do, the moment is happening.

75.  At least six things are happening simultaneously.

76.  At the same time, however, something odd is happening.

77.  At this convention, however, what scant traces of Democrat-bashing can be found are so far not happening on prime time.

78.  Bad weather is happening in lots of places in this year of El Nino.

79.  Before here, however, the same was happening in Arlington.

80.  Behind the roll call of eccentrics, the flagrant self-promotion and the media buzz, though, something historic is happening here.

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