71.  Not what you happen to feel like blurting out.

72.  Nothing ever happens around here.

73.  Nothing ever happens to disturb the tranquillity of this little town, hidden in the Tuscan hills.

74.  Nothing exciting ever happens in this place!

75.  Nothing so dramatic as Nora Fanshawe had suggested need have happened.

76.  Now, it happens that is a very controversial and highly questionable economic proposition.

77.  Often, it happens because good ideas bubble up from employees who actually do the work and deal with the customers.

78.  Personality based depression happens to people with poor self-image, or to some one who is heavily dependent on others for emotional support.

79.  Presuming there are no last-minute stays, that will happen just after midnight.

80.  Recharge normally happens in the winter or rainy season.

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