51.  A new lobbying group has been formed to press the Government for tougher action on climate change.

52.  A new plan provides for loans to students, but to make the system workable more government funding will be needed.

53.  A number of our respondents believe that they can enlist the support of others in their attempts to influence the government.

54.  A number of recent arms deals have embarrassed the government.

55.  A persistent critic of profligate government, he now has his chance to trim the deficit.

56.  A poor, uneducated people do not have the will power or knowledge to challenge an oppressive government.

57.  A poor, uneducated people does not have the willpower or knowledge to challenge an oppressive government.

58.  A predominance of central funding will always leave the last word with government.

59.  A presumption exists in favour of any settled scheme of government against any untried project.

60.  A previous government had negotiated the project.

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