1.  As a business owner, he is able to take time off to go fishing or hit the beach when he wants.

2.  Any time Ms. Dench goes exploring for that core, you would be well-advised to accompany her.

3.  Curling is huge in Canada, but elsewhere it looks suspiciously like people sweeping imaginary dirt while a 40-pound teakettle goes sliding by.

4.  Despite being denied a Malden gun permit in 1968, he belonged to the Massachusetts Rifle Association, and often went hunting in New Hampshire.

5.  Despite warnings she should avoid fresh water, Greblo went swimming in a river in Ghana where her doctor said she probably contracted a parasite.

6.  Despite the fresh money, network TV exposure and innovative management that have invigorated American track and field this winter, Neal has gone begging on the indoor circuit.

7.  Devotees describe the store wistfully as a place one might go looking for one book and come away with six.

8.  Did you plan to go fishing before you clean the gutters?"

9.  Didn't Mondale's daughter, Eleanor, go jogging with Clinton?

10.  Davis wandered over to Goodwin and said: "Now, don't go making any diving catches on me today.

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