1.  As a few people got their bottoms buzzed, the audience would go nuts.

2.  Armed with the new research the halimeter provided, manufacturers went nuts.

3.  Democrats, predictably, went nuts, with members of Eddie Basha's campaign and state party officials complaining that Solomon is disloyal.

4.  Dealers and focus groups have gone nuts over the wagons.

5.  Denied the tying run and, possibly, the chance for a big inning, Piniella went nuts.

6.  Duds Two quarterbacks went nuts last week.

7.  Each day was an event _ a new town and a new crowd and they went absolutely nuts over him."

8.  Fealy says the ruling is necessary because, for some reason, guys go nuts at Mardi Gras on Sixth when they are flashed.

9.  Every time Greene did something he went nuts, throwing his body around the field like a one-man Mardi Gras.

10.  Finally, he was selling caramels off a pushcart on a Pennsylvania street when a British candy importer happened to taste his goodies _ and go nuts.

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