61.  Any significant reduction would be irresponsible given the needs of schools and libraries.

62.  Degan's death automatically gave the FBI jurisdiction and an FBI sniper team rushed to the scene and surrounded the cabin.

63.  Degas had given the very best of himself to printmaking in one form or another, but he had never thought of it in terms of marketing.

64.  Degussa has scheduled a press conference at 10 a.m. to give more information about its performance in fiscal 1997.

65.  Deiro, who was known as Lee, played the accordion and, though he did not give concerts, had an important influence on the accordion world.

66.  DeKalb County gave comfortable victories to Bill Clinton in 1992 and to Gov. Zell Miller, also a Democrat, in 1994.

67.  Dekkers said he had debriefed the instructor who worked with the two men but declined to give his name.

68.  Del Debbio, who officially lost his job upon conviction, faces a maximum of seven years, but the judge has the option of giving him probation.

69.  Del Grande's redesign of the body would give humans larger noses.

70.  Del Toro gives an impressively physical, emotionally volatile performance, but an important scene involving him kidnapping an assassin defies logic.

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