21.  Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting fat, and keep us healthy, and give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain, and muscles to work together.

22.  Because playing basketball can let me taller and taller, and I like watching a close game of basketball .

23.  Expecially like watch the nation games of them .

24.  But soon we found another game to play.

25.  Though it seemed very silly, we thought it fairly interesting in the games we can play.

26.  Since it is just a game, why not play fairly and happily?

27.  And I often played games with my good friends.

28.  In this evening, I could leave my home to play the game of "1/2??

29.  Running 800 metres, we played a game of badminton.

30.  ?, the interesting game with my little friends...

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