1.  Although few Muslims are returning to Serb-dominated areas, officials say that even there the trend is upward and the flow will increase rapidly over the summer.

2.  An earlier study with an NIH colleague, Dr. Richard Cannon, showed that blood flow increased in healthy patients who breathed the gas.

3.  And they wonder if the flow will increase or ebb when Junior Griffey returns to the lineup.

4.  As the heat flow increases, the amount of work also increases-but then it starts to tail off.

5.  As the weather improved, the flow of refugees increased.

6.  At the same time, capital flows from abroad increased enough to finance the shortfall.

7.  But nongovernment experts disagree, saying the flow is increasing.

8.  Hundreds of thousands of refugees have returned to Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the flow is increasing.

9.  I see the muscles lengthening, the blood flow increasing, that kind of thing.

10.  It is also unclear whether flow of refugees is increasing.

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