1.  Dennis Hayes, founder of the company that bears his name, becomes chairman of the merged firm.

2.  Denton, 50, got his MBA from Wharton and started his career as a stockbroker in Boston for the firm of White Weld.

3.  Denver is one of America's leading cable-television and telecommunications centers, home to TCI, a big cable television firm.

4.  Defying conventional wisdom, Goldman, Wall Street's premier blue-chip firm, has no interest in buying a Main Street brokerage firm, they stressed.

5.  Deregulation and international competition means it's pretty hard to find one firm dominating everything," Dickens said.

6.  Deregulation of the nation's telecommunications industry has created vast opportunities for existing and start-up firms to infiltrate markets where they had never had a presence.

7.  Deregulation spawned a multitude of "10-10" and phone-card discounters that nibbled away at the major telecom firms' share of what remained.

8.  Derek Baine of the cable industry research firm Paul Kagan Associates estimates that E!

9.  Deisseroth forged a partnership with the San Francisco-based biotech firm Ingenex on the commercial development of MDR-1.

10.  Described as firm but fair as a coach, Holzman was remembered not only for his victories but also for the way in which he won.

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