1.  Although his trailer's windows are gone and it is filled with mud and debris, some of his family's possessions are salvageable, Hammett said.

2.  Any such recollection might help them fill in blanks and lead to the time and place where she was exposed.

3.  Any takers for the shares should beware that a flood of new runway space in the region could take some time to fill up, analysts said.

4.  Any takers for the shares should beware that a flood of new runway space in the region could take some time to fill up.

5.  Any third-party news about a stock like Netegrity can have an outsized impact because it fills a void.

6.  Denouette would like to fill up the old quarry with concrete, but he cannot come close to raising enough money.

7.  Derrick Cullors is going to have to fill in and do more.

8.  Designed to fill jobs vacancies, the program also was intended to draw attention to the out-of-the-way burg, 80 miles north of Amarillo.

9.  Depending on how much weight's on the boat, there are four sacks that can be filled to add 1,000 pounds to augment the wake.

10.  Depending on when the applications are filled out, an award check can be included.

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