1.  I had believes that it was a very hard question which few people could work out.

2.  At the sport-meeting, Our Class got few good scholartics .

3.  Hunter knew that they was impostor because few people knew about the invention.

4.  Maybe you are tired--of course it is more comfortable to sit down than to stand, but you say, "If I sit down, there will be fewer people standing in the world.

5.  I knew few friends.

6.  There was just a few people in the street and there were few cars were seen once in a while .

7.  He lived in Germany and stay in Belgium or few years; then he went to France.

8.  There is few Market here.

9.  Only after few days, the homework that the teachers gave us became more and more.

10.  In the past few days, the people of Guang zhou were interested in a thing.

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