41.  A mystery creature crawls from your living rock and eats your entire family.

42.  A new honesty, a new understanding, a new maturity of love was created in the family.

43.  A next door neighbour stepped in to help by lending his car to get her family to Chelmsford station, she said.

44.  A person admitted to a residential home is joining a different social system, away from the family.

45.  A quick comparison showed enough similarities to other herpes viruses to determine that it was part of that viral family.

46.  A rancher who heard the deluge coming loaded his family in his truck and began to dash to safety.

47.  A rather odd family came to live next door to us.

48.  A school was established in the former dovecote, where local children as well as those of the family were educated.

49.  A search for the causes of wife abuse leads back to the family itself.

50.  A society of families both constrains male aggressions and channels them toward the protection and support of family and society.

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