1.  In fact, all the foods are good for people's health, even the ice cream, chocolate and so on.

2.  No matter who controls whom, this relation will make the society develop even faster, and it has done .

3.  Some struck them by hand , some by book , even some by rule.

4.  Even there was a classmate who put the termites into a bottle.

5.  Then the girl telled everybody: "when your mother was ill, you would even love her".

6.  After a time, his dog died, He felt even more lonely without the dog.

7.  After a few day , Gessler Decided to get even tougher.

8.  even write very bad .

9.  She did lots of things for me, and so did I. we did many things together, such as swimming, study, even succeed or fall and so on.

10.  even today I till remember him.

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